Comments on: When Lost Said “Both” Responses to Media and Culture Fri, 12 Feb 2016 19:35:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lost on another blog : Today Topics Tue, 25 May 2010 08:39:40 +0000 […]  two big thumbs up (one in 2004 & one in 2007!), but to read why, you need to go over to Antenna, a newish online venture out of my graduate alma mater, University of Wisconsin – […]

By: Lost – “LA X” » Monsters of Television Fri, 05 Feb 2010 22:47:13 +0000 […] Mittell mentioned that he wants Daniel Faraday around to feed “some good Faraday science expositional scenes, […]

By: Jonathan Gray Fri, 05 Feb 2010 20:38:32 +0000 Not really anger, Tom — it’s more like heartbreak. And it doesn’t change it either way. The point was that I was looking forward to their no doubt sappy — but hey, can’t a dude love him some melodrama? 🙂 — reunion, yet now it’ll be tinged with the alt world scenario … regardless of whether they’re married or not. Thanks for the clarification, though: I didn’t pick up on that

By: Tom Phillips Fri, 05 Feb 2010 15:44:37 +0000 According to the blog Televisionary, Sun and Jin aren’t even married in the alt-timeline, as the airport personnel addresses her as “Ms Paik”. Does this resolve your fan anger or make it worse?!

By: Jonathan Gray Fri, 05 Feb 2010 14:51:37 +0000 The alt lines also allowed them to be monumental turds re: the Jin/Sun storyline. For all the banging and clattering about Sawyer/Kate/Jack, all of which I don’t care about, it’s been Jin and Sun’s relationship that’s seemed to propel a lot affectively for me as a fan.

… and then they get back together, but as estranged, distant partners. So even though Sun and Jin now seem to be in the same timeline in both alt worlds, ensuring they’ll get back together in the crashed timeline, Cuse and Lindelof have no doubt undercut that reunion. While this makes me wanna shake my fist as a fan, it’s also pretty masterful storytelling gamesmanship.

By: Jeffrey Jones Thu, 04 Feb 2010 18:05:21 +0000 Does a lot also hinge on Jack’s “missing” dad?

By: Tom Phillips Thu, 04 Feb 2010 12:36:12 +0000 Jason, watching the scenes of the 2004 alt-timeline reminded me of your blog piece about the Sopranos ending and narrative context. I know I’ve read somewhere that Cuse and Lindelof have said that audiences new to Lost could conceivably start watching s6 as an entry point, and for me, the scenes on the plane would highlight the way in which context and knowledge come into play.

As the plane landed, the background music seemed to be almost triumphant – that Jack has succeeded in his mission and everything would turn out okay. To the uninformed viewers, the narrative signals going on within this timeline would certainly signal this. Though watching it myself I couldn’t get rid of the feeling of unease, that what I was watching wasn’t supposed to happen, and I was far more comfortable with the 2007 scenes featuring “my” characters. The plane landing scene subsequently became a sequence of melancholy – no one knows each other and five seasons of character development is eradicated. I think ultimately this will be resolved, but it will interesting to see if any other moments will be open to interpretation based on narrative context.

By: uberVU - social comments Thu, 04 Feb 2010 09:15:06 +0000 Social comments and analytics for this post…

This post was mentioned on Twitter by jmittell: My 2 day-after #Lost posts: at @AntennaBlog about narrative issues & my blog about ratings

By: Jason Mittell Thu, 04 Feb 2010 04:44:45 +0000 I agree that Jack was probably remembering that – although some critics have pointed out that if the island blew up in 1977, then Charles Widmore died, so Desmond wouldn’t be training for his race, and thus wouldn’t have met Jack! What I found interesting is that in the first few segments of Jack on the plane, every glance and reaction seemed full of potential meaning and possible memories. They all had rationale explanations, but I was grasping at anything that suggested the option that the bombers would remember their past/future.

By: Daynah Wed, 03 Feb 2010 23:19:05 +0000 great piece, Jason. i, too, am thinking that Lindlehoff & co are deserving of a little patience at this point.

one point you make: “Additionally, they effectively teased the audience with questions about Jack’s internal thoughts in the first few sequences, as there were enough ambiguous references to past events like recognizing Desmond to hint that he might remember island life…” is interesting. i immediately thought this was simply reference to the pre-oceanic 815 meeting in the stadium where desmond was training and jack was running up the stairs. sort of assuring us that some things changed (like the single serving of vodka) and some things didn’t (their brief encounter). thoughts?
