Comments on: Lost Wednesdays: Everything in its Right Place Responses to Media and Culture Fri, 12 Feb 2016 19:35:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lost – “The Last Recruit” » Monsters of Television Fri, 30 Apr 2010 22:43:29 +0000 […] is a moving the pieces episode, as Jason Mittell noted. I’m not going to gripe about it, though a part of me really wants to. I defended […]

By: LostnLost Fri, 23 Apr 2010 01:17:45 +0000 Whoa…I thought Tons earth shattering went on. I mean right in the beginning we get Smokey is Christian Shepard, not earth shattering as we already suspected that but better than dead people are the whispers. And since Christian Shepard was the one who told Locke he had to turn the wheel and bring back all the Candidates Wow for me. Just the planning that Smokey went through to put the pieces into place to get the candidates back and somehow letting Eloise Hawkings know that Locke’s dead body had to return. I mean this one seemingly innocent reveals has long tentacles that need to be re-examined, looked at and figured out what it means for both where the story is going and what it tells us about what has already happened. In Short, now that we know Smokey was many different people and he needed a Dead Locke body to totally inhabit it will this Major reveal provide insights into how we got here.

Jack jumpoing off the boat and beginning to evovle into something more spiritual and connected to the island.

Did Sayid find that spark of Humanity when Desmond asked him what will he tell Nadia about what he had to do to see her again. It was the first time since he Joined Locke that he almost seemed a person again. And as I said last week, I am guessing he let Desmond out of the well.

I have read on one persons blog that they believe the Sideways world is actually the world that occurs if Smokey leaves the Island. The way Sun was looking at Locke there was definately a hint or a recognition that he may indeed be Smokey.

And Since Desmond seems to have conciousness in both worlds, the reason Desmond ran him over is because he knows Sideways locke is really Smokey.

I found it kinda creepy they way Sideways Locke calmly told Ben and the Paramedic his name and his wife’s name. Even in the moment, the way he said it had the knowing smirk signature, I am just telling you the truth and trying to help, twinge of Smokey.

I have read on one persons blog (maybe here) that they believe the Sideways world is actually the world that occurs if Smokey leaves the Island. The way Sun was looking at Locke at the hospital there was definately a hint or a recognition that he may indeed be Smokey.

And Since Desmond seems to have conciousness in both worlds, the reason Desmond ran Locke over maybe because he knows Sideways locke is really Smokey.

I found it kinda creepy they way Sideways Locke calmly told Ben and the Paramedic his name and his wife’s name. Even in the moment, the way he said it had the knowing arrogant Smokey smirk signature.

Anyway, I thought this Episode was on the Awesome side for setting up the peices that hopefully explain and give us answers to this 6 years of Mythology.

By: LostnLost Fri, 23 Apr 2010 01:03:28 +0000 Yeah I liked the reunion also. Although, I didn’t see it as this huge build up even though she has been searching for him for 3 years. I thought the tender hug/kiss moment was sweet and just about the right lenth of time. We did not spend 5 minutes on a reunion when there is story line to begin telling. I was also thinking Lost knows how to capture the romantic connection between couples (Desmond/Penny, Sawyer/Juliet, Hugo/Libby…all pretty good chemistry between couples).

Now I must admit when the ran toward the sonic fence I gasped a little bit saying…”No not another Illana…” Lol.

By: Brett Boessen Thu, 22 Apr 2010 18:45:02 +0000 When you wrote that two things spoiled the Kwon reunion somewhat, I was almost certain you were about to say “the clunky return of her English” and “the clunky line by Fahey, ‘look who’s got her voice back.'” That just made it worse.

Still, I’m with you: there’s more “moving toward the finale” here, it seems, than “moving the pieces around.”

By: Jason Mittell Thu, 22 Apr 2010 12:39:22 +0000 For what it’s worth (and vaguely spoilery for those who hate knowing anything about what might happen in future eps), I’ve heard that there is another upcoming episode that is focused primarily in a time/place that features virtually none of our main characters. If I’m remembering correctly, it’s supposed to be ep 15 (this week’s was #13). My guess is that it will either be a MiB origin story and/or the backstory of Widmore/Eloise – or maybe the epic story of Frank in a Burt Reynolds film! So I’m sure that one will vary from the multi-centric pattern, if nothing else.

By: Sean C. Duncan Wed, 21 Apr 2010 21:42:58 +0000 Right, right, I’m just unsure about both potential changes of heart. Sayid clearly didn’t kill Desmond, but whether he’ll be redeemed in any significant way is something I’m skeptical of — given how much they have left to cover and how little time, it’ll be a perfunctory “redemption,” in any case.

By: Sean C. Duncan Wed, 21 Apr 2010 21:32:28 +0000 Frank’s still around because Smokey needs him to fly the plane. I suspect it’s that simple.

By: Jeffrey Jones Wed, 21 Apr 2010 20:23:17 +0000 Well, I don’t think Sayid killed Desmond, and Claire seems to have had a change of heart–when both of these characters were said to have been infected with and consumed by evil. And if Desmond is somewhat key here, that seems significant.

By: Nick Bestor Wed, 21 Apr 2010 20:18:11 +0000 I agree that it definitely felt like the set-up first half of a two-parter, particularly due to the multi-centric-ness. They seemed to have methodically gone through and given pretty much every significant character their episode so far this season, so I was curious to see where we going after last week. I was kind of hoping we might get something dealing with the secondary characters, perhaps an Ilana episode. Or the long overdue Widmore info-dump episode. I definitely didn’t want to have another Jack or Kate episode, so I’m happy they went this way, which seems to have done a very good job of announcing that we’ve entered the endgame. Unless we get an episode that deals with Widmore or the MiB, I expect we’ll probably be sticking with multi-centric episodes for the remainder of the series.

I was honestly a little disappointed in Desmond’s fate on the Island. For one, I think the reveal that the well wasn’t actually deep didn’t work well. I think if we’d seen that in last week’s episode, it would’ve seemed alright, but waiting a week for the reveal made it seem a little silly. Also, I was willing to accept Desmond as dead in the OT, as he seemed to have so much to do in the FST. As usual, he’s one of the characters I’m most interested to see how things turn out for, particularly as I’m seeing him as the black horse Jacob-replacement to challenge Jack’s destiny. We had five seasons of Locke filling our heads with talk of destiny and fate, and I started to buy it, but now Locke’s dead and a fool, so it may be free-will’s time to shine.

And then there’s Frank. Why is he still around? I don’t know what to make of him being in the main cast. Maybe it’s just a nice gesture to Jeff Fahey, a way of saying, “Hey, you’ve been on the show three years now, you’re on the Island with everyone else, we’re bumping you up.” But I still expect something from him. None of the other survivors really seem to know what he’s doing there either. And he keeps putting himself in terrible redshirt situations. Tromping off on adventures with cast members who’ve been around since day 1, it just does not seem smart. Is he actually important, or just some guy?

By: Sean C. Duncan Wed, 21 Apr 2010 19:58:59 +0000 I dunno, I viewed it as just another one of the many Star Wars in-jokes they pepper the show with (from “Some Like it Hoth” through Karl’s “I’ve got a bad feeling about this…” just before he was offed). Seems like a fake-out to me, I’m assuming Sayid might end up doing something small to help out the good guys (uh, whomever are the good guys), but it seems doubtful that with 4 episodes to go they’ll spend much time on a redemption storyline for him.
