Comments on: The Much(?) Anticipated Return of Caprica Responses to Media and Culture Fri, 12 Feb 2016 19:35:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gabriel Thu, 28 Oct 2010 02:26:07 +0000 It seems that Caprica was never able to build an audience sufficient to keep it going. Syfy announced today that they would cancel it effective next week. I think that’s a shame. I saw most episodes of the show and thought it had real promise. They just paced it way too slowly.

By: Josh Fri, 15 Oct 2010 03:57:49 +0000 This past episode was the final nail in the coffin for me. After a terrific pilot, this show has gone downhill fast, to the point where I was really hoping that Amanda Graystone was actually dead, because I find her character unbearable.

This show has always had a great premise, but I don’t think that these actors have the depth to give it justice. Some stand-out bad performances from James Marsten, Alessandra Torresani, Magda Apanowicz, and Genevieve Buechner (who, mercifully, was not in this episode). I’m also having problems with the gratuitous amounts of CGI. It’s distracting. Somehow, in BSG when they were on other planets, the odd lighting was bearable, but it doesn’t work for this show. A friend walked in while I was watching and thought it was a video game from looking at the screen.

BSG was one of the most well-done TV shows I have ever seen, and I have particularly fallen in love with Bear McCreary’s compositions, which gave many emotional moments on that show much more heft. It makes me sad that this is what followed.

By: Tausif Khan Sat, 09 Oct 2010 16:20:28 +0000 To me this new episode of Caprica almost seems like a mid-season pilot (if there can be mid-season finale’s than why not pilots). This new Caprica has moved out of the contemplation of social life and into traditional Battlestar political intrigue on the level of bringing about an anarchic post human politics.

I feel the first half of the first season was trying to be Buffy the Vampire Slayer in the BSG universe. I like the tightness of this new version of Caprica and am definitely going to tune in for future episodes.

One thing that bothered me was that in the first half of the season they kept on saying how everyone who jumped off the bridge died immediately. I find it impossible that Amanda Greystone lived. The sheer impact of the drop and collision should have killed her before she entered the water. Am I wrong?

When I heard that Paula Malcolmson was returning to the show I just assumed that any version of Amanda we see in the future of Caprica would be an avatar.

Oh well I am excited to find out what happens.

By: Jason Sat, 09 Oct 2010 15:29:46 +0000 Great stuff. I’m with you on every word here, as a satisfied BSG fan who followed them over to ‘Caprica.’ The wait really killed any anticipation I had for the new season, but I also think that’s because they didn’t give the show enough time to find itself in the first place, and thus get me invested in what was happening. So, when I got to the premature cliffhanger, I wasn’t exactly sure what I was waiting for. And as the months ticked away, I honestly forgot how the first season even ended.

I think that’s also partly because the first episodes of Caprica were too crowded with too many half-developed characters–it would have been stronger IMO if the show had dedicated itself first to developing and solidifying the core friendship/rivalry/tension between Adama and Graystone more, before than expanding out to the many other characters. It was also marred by too many gimmicky cliffhangers at the end of every episode, that felt designed to do nothing but bring viewers back the next week (that is perhaps also why the season cliffhanger felt flat for me–as though they went back to the well one too many times).
