Comments on: Egregious Product Placement? New Regulations in the UK Responses to Media and Culture Fri, 12 Feb 2016 19:35:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Erin Copple Smith Thu, 14 Apr 2011 13:28:41 +0000 I saw the informative video–it’s wonderful! From the American context, the idea of having to explain product placement just seems so sweet, in some ways!

Your point about the classification of product placement is a good one, and I had a paragraph about it at one point during the draft stage. It’s hard to know how these rules/restrictions will be policed–is it only when audiences complain?

And I concede the point on the “recent” nature of commercial programming in the UK. My intent was to highlight the long history of commercialism in American broadcasting compared to the UK. Only a 30 year jumpstart on commercial broadcasting, perhaps, but during formative years, that jumpstart certainly made a big difference, and the UK’s commitment to public broadcasting (even after ITV’s arrival) certainly has created an environment which makes the sanctioning of product placement a noteworthy event.

(But I absolutely agree that this foundational argument should have been made clearer in the post, and I thank you for the clarification!)

By: Faye Woods Thu, 14 Apr 2011 08:29:18 +0000 Interesting post from the US perspective Erin (the reading out of a car’s benefits by a tv character is my own personal bugbear in US drama). We also have little informative ads from ofcom running to explain what is happening re product placement and telling us a little P will appear to denote placement in a programme!

Though Jamie Oliver’s recent 30 minute meals programme blatantly used Sainsbury’s products throughout (down to bagged veg) and Oliver happens to be the ‘face’ of Sainsburys ads. And that wasn’t officially classed as as PP, so go figure!

Also, I do have to say, “only recently allowing commercial TV”? ITV began in 1955, I wouldn’t really call that recent!
