Comments on: Torchwood Miracle Day, Episode Three: Tonight’s The Night? Responses to Media and Culture Fri, 12 Feb 2016 19:35:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Will Sat, 30 Jul 2011 12:47:40 +0000 Morrison’s recent Batman is an interesting case because not only is it all within mainstream continuity, it brings back a lot of repressed, daft, camp, sci-fi 1950s and 1960s material back into continuity.

A significant group of fans dislike it for that reason — because it’s undermining their purist conception of the ‘dark’, serious Batman who doesn’t have any silly stuff in his history.

So that’s another illustration of the dynamic whereby if you introduce something in one title, it has repercussions for the whole narrative universe — unless that title is coded as outside official continuity (dream, imaginary story, different imprint, different alternate earth — something explored in DW — elseworlds etc).

However, the upcoming DC relaunch could rewrite all of that in a flash.

By: Matt Hills Sat, 30 Jul 2011 12:21:17 +0000 I wonder if the ending of the Sarah Jane Adventures — after Elisabeth Sladen’s sad and untimely passing — will alter the franchise dynamic at all, since there will no longer be a dedicated kids’ show in the mix. And interesting to hear about those Marvel/DC parallels where certain characters have to be protected.(‘Doom Patrol’ is on my to-read list; I’m working through Morrison’s Batman saga at present and greatly enjoying it. In fact, I can’t understand why there hasn’t been lots of ‘Zur En Arrh’ merchandise, but that probably belongs to a different discussion!)

By: Will Fri, 29 Jul 2011 18:34:52 +0000 Finally, the fact that TW is not just in the same universe as the family favourite DW, but the actual children’s telly show Sarah Jane Adventures, adds to the problem for the BBC. It’s the same big story, but it includes Elisabeth Sladen running around with kids at one end, and John Barrowman getting his arse out at the other.

By: Will Fri, 29 Jul 2011 18:30:51 +0000 It’s a similar case with DC’s Vertigo, which ostensibly takes place in the same universe, but in practice, rarely crosses over significantly.

So, Neil Gaiman’s Sandman, with its LGBT cast, and Grant Morrison’s Doom Patrol, featuring transvestite real estate Danny-the-Street, could feature Batman, but mostly don’t.

By: Will Fri, 29 Jul 2011 18:29:14 +0000 There is an interesting parallel with the Marvel ‘Max’ imprint, which features full-on swearing and violence, plus more explicit sexual content than normal Marvel superhero continuity.

My impression is that while officially, it all takes place in the same universe, the characters in Max tend to be either already-coded as ‘mature’ (Punisher), new and therefore effectively more separate from both Marvel history and mainstream continuity (Alias, relatively marginal and obscure (Luke Cage) or popular but peripheral, with the odd cameo (Daredevil, Marvel Girl).

So, Spider-Man only appears very briefly in Alias (books 1-3, my experience of the title) and doesn’t do anything outside his normal mainstream behaviour, whereas Luke Cage, a less central figure in Marvel’s branding and lacking any kind of family blockbuster audience, is able to have one-night stands and curse, in the same title.

By: Matt Hills Fri, 29 Jul 2011 17:05:44 +0000 Very good point: JB’s presenting role in CBBC shows would also have to factor into the BBC’s decision-making, making it even more likely that they’d want to play safe. Though I suppose TTN would still be a greater concern in terms of the scale of primetime BBC1 audience it might threaten to carry over ‘inappropriately’ to TW.

By: Matt Hills Fri, 29 Jul 2011 16:49:51 +0000 The BBC1 edit certainly struck me as extremely cautious. So, yes, I wouldn’t want to rule out this level of strategic decision-making. It does seem as though the BBC are bending over backwards in order not to upset the Right. Compare this with how Captain Jack was represented in Doctor Who series one; the difference is pretty astonishing (and I always expected the Daily Mail to go ballistic then, and was always surprised that they stayed quiet). Series one of Who, and its boundary-pushing bravery, seems to hail from a different era already.

By: Matt Hills Fri, 29 Jul 2011 16:43:15 +0000 You raise a lot of good points, Will. I agree that both edits work to equate and parallel the gay/straight sex, though I think this is much more strongly conveyed in the Starz cut. And although Jack is described as a “bisexual lead” by Russell T. Davies and John Barrowman in the current issue of Gay Times, the show does seem to have moved towards positioning the character as gay or “not straight”. There seems to be some textual difficulty in actually conveying either omnisexuality or bisexuality (something which TW Series One, tucked away on BBC3, was arguably much better at).

As for the thought experiment — when Martha Jones featured in series two, the BBC were careful to screen edited, pre-watershed versions of TW. The fact that TW is a Who spin-off clearly remains significant in terms of what the BBC will approve. I guess what I’m suggesting here is that John Barrowman’s star persona adds another level of complexity, and that there’s more going on than just the Who issue.

By: Will Fri, 29 Jul 2011 14:59:03 +0000 Just as a thought-experiment, do you feel they would have included a sex scene with that kind of explicit level (bare bottoms) showing, say, Rose or Sarah Jane, if those characters crossed over from Doctor Who to Torchwood?

Is it the fact that Harkness is firmly within Who canon for BBC audiences in particular — and as such, is still part of a family-oriented show — that makes the difference?

I wouldn’t deny that Barrowman’s mainstream star persona is a factor, but I don’t know if we would see any regular, recurring character from DW naked in an in-continuity spin-off.

By: Will Fri, 29 Jul 2011 14:30:31 +0000 Matt, this is a very interesting post, and I think your reasoning about the cuts in terms of Barrowman’s persona may well be correct — but the edit still baffles me.

I think the BBC cut is explicit enough to make the point that Jack sleeps with men, and to parallel the straight and gay scenes: there has already been ample heavy-handed dialogue about Jack’s supposed ‘gayness’, from Rex, and some innuendo about how he ‘impaled’ the barman.

That is, there isn’t a lot of difference between the edits in terms of what they convey about character, and for what it’s worth, both edits seem to be encouraging us to compare the two sexual encounters and see them as roughly equivalent, rather than contrasting: both are lustful, of-the-moment pairings, rather than loving long-term intimacy, and the kissing/foreplay and coy aftermath scenes are similar enough even in the edited version to make that point.

That is, to its credit, even the BBC version seems to be encouraging a blurring of any reactionary oppositions between straight and gay sexual encounters, and seeing both shags as, basically, consenting adult bodies having fun, prompted to an extent by crisis and uncertainty.

In the BBC edit, we cut from Rex and Vera directly to a shot of Brad’s bum, which I think we are not meant to recognise immediately as male — as the camera pulls back and circles slightly to reveal the two men embracing.

So the invitation to see straight and gay sex as basically equivalent, rather than romantic/sordid, acceptable/unpalatable, as would be the case in many mainstream representations — I hesitate to suggest that it deconstructs a binary, but maybe it’s along those lines — is still there, I think.

I also felt that the BBC edit still introduced enough of a queer element to question and challenge the other relationship dynamics, such as Gwen and Esther, Gwen and Jack, Rex and Jack.

To pick up on a point I suggested above, it would be interesting to consider how Jack’s omnisexuality is being represented here, and in his other appearances on TW and DW. Rex continually refers to him as gay, and as having a gay effect on other guys (in fact, the programme backs him up, as it’s a running gag that he seems to bring out male characters’ flirtatious sides).

It would be churlish to complain that Jack isn’t straight enough — we have enough straight heroes and it’s an important move that this is a charismatic, charming guy in a mainstream TV show who sleeps with men. However, to what extent is ‘omnisexual’ just being used as synonymous with ‘homosexual’, or ‘not-straight’, here?
