Comments on: Who (does HBO hope) is watching Girls? Responses to Media and Culture Fri, 12 Feb 2016 19:35:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Izzy Wed, 23 May 2012 21:22:32 +0000 This comment is precisely why I will continue to watch and enjoy the in-your-face misogyny of GoT than sit through this pseudo-feminist “art”. Yes, the show was criticized for it’s lack of diversity. Your frustration about that borders rage-why? If Dunham can recognize the importance of parading her naked, homely, and oddly shaped body around in every episode as “progressive” and “activist” work, then surely a non-white, non-straight, or non cisgendered person could have been seemlessly included without a million strangers having to point out to an Oberlin alumn that it’s weird that her fantasy life has no minorities when her real life has quite a few. What’s sad (pathetic, really) is, you can’t even imagine a situation where this could occur without it being laborious, forced, disingenuous, and thus undesirable. Yet, you seem to believe it’s something to “get over” because it’s not a big deal. A self identified Black poster stated that she enjoyed the show and relates to the characters…so what “specific perspective” are you discussing that can’t possibly include non-white, non-straight females?

Also, it is a cop out to say that Dunham is getting unfairly “bashed”. She writes, directs and stars in the show…unprecedented control for a person of any age in this industry and thus the responsibility comes with the territory. Furthermore, since when did we NOT question the choices and perspectives of artists? If one is critical of a painter’s work, you don’t ask the owner of the art gallery about it. She’s a big feminist girl. Hand holding is unnecessary here. If she really wants to impress me (not that she should care, since I decidedly abandoned ship after episode 2) she can start by getting rid of that twit Arfin. Hopefully once this show is cancelled HBO can throw it’s financial weight behind something more epic (GoT season 3 perhaps).

BTW, I’m totally not surprised that they’re token of choice is Donald Glover. Like Miranda from Sex and the City, they will dump him on the ugliest girl in the crew. Looking forward to everyone’s take on those episodes.

By: Jennifer Wed, 09 May 2012 03:55:32 +0000 I love this, Agatha. I had a british friend in college who was beyond rich, went shopping almost daily, while I worked my ass off on 2 jobs while being in an intense conservatory program. I can’t imagine how amazing-as-in winning-the effing- lottery–it would have been to have had my parents paying for a cent during or after college. I feel lucky now because of that fact, but at the time WHOA. To live in NYC on someone else’s dime? Especially in my 20s?
Segway…episode was so good it hurt: Hannah’s speech in the doorway. Yep.

By: Agatha Wed, 09 May 2012 02:19:52 +0000 Thank you for sharing this comment! I too love the show and I am an Asian-American 44 y.o. who lived in NYC in my early 20s…not only can I relate, but I had friends and co-workers who shared the same angst as Hannah and co. As a matter of fact, I had an African-American best friend in high school whose family was the wealthiest of all our friends. The character Jessa reminds me of her.

By: Jennifer Tue, 08 May 2012 06:47:35 +0000 Rachel, while you voice is completely heard, it shows how you simply don’t relate to the story line. And that’s OK! But I have to disagree with your swooping statement “kids in this generation, who unlike these silly characters, have great values….” Really? You really believe that as a majority truth?
Just curious and opening it up for conversation.
Then again, the fact that there’s an ongoing discussion is proof in and of itself that GIRLS is a compelling show.

By: Rachel Tue, 08 May 2012 05:57:58 +0000 I am a 44 year old women who tonight took the time to watch Girls for the first time. However, given that I was these characters age 20 years ago in the early 90’s, I really can’t identify with their “problems”, or wax nostalgic, since the “problems” these girls are going through in 2012 are completely different than those we faced 20 years ago-its a completely different time now, and a completely different social and sexual milieu. That being said, I think this show, like Jersey Shore, glorifies the boring and mundane life of privileged white kids. Worse still, I think that this show is unfair to the many kids in this generation who, unlike these silly characters,have great values, who work hard, and grasp what is truly important in life.

By: Jennifer Mon, 07 May 2012 23:30:42 +0000 Thanks Alex–totally relate to what you wrote!

By: Alex White Mon, 07 May 2012 18:38:01 +0000 I, myself find the show to be completely enjoyable, and I’m a 22 year old black female. Am I offended by the lack of racial diversity? Not at all. As Jennifer said, the story is being told from a specific perspective. She shouldn’t receive backlash because she’s telling a story about the type of environment/friends she lived in and surrounded herself with. If I were telling the story the cast would look a little different, but that doesn’t make my story less relatable. Regardless of color, girls are girls and we struggle with the same things: body image, guy problems, best friend betrayal. Hell, I’m a college student and the apartment that l live in now is being paid for by my parents…not to mention my car insurance, cell phone bill, sometimes food expenses. My dad tells me everyday to get a job. It may be a predominately white cast, but the experiences are relatable to girls of all races. Great show! I love it already!

By: Jennifer Tue, 01 May 2012 03:27:23 +0000 Right on.

By: Kim Mon, 30 Apr 2012 23:16:44 +0000 Well, I am watching… I am a 45 year old mom who still watches “Sex and the City” reruns. “Girls” doesn’t really apply to my life -neither did SATC, but I find it refreshing, honest, funny, and well-written and well-acted. Like most HBO shows, it is different than most other TV shows. I know I am not the target audience, but I am loving it….

By: jon Fri, 27 Apr 2012 15:11:01 +0000 As a male who’ll turn 35 tomorrow, I think this series is off to a great start. I think more guys my age would find it as entertaining as I do if they could get past the title. I’m always willing to give original programming a chance on HBO, and this was no exception. The dialogue is fantastic, and I love every second of awkwardness experienced by the characters. I hope it finds enough of an audience to not only survive, but thrive over at least a few seasons.
