Comments on: Embracing Fan Creativity in Transmedia Storytelling (LeakyCon Portland) Responses to Media and Culture Fri, 12 Feb 2016 19:35:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Louisa Stein Tue, 13 Aug 2013 15:50:04 +0000 That’s so interesting! I think that this is exactly the type of mixed response Bernie Su was talking about. There’s something about the fact that fan production and official production are mixed into a single stream, but still with different aesthetics and norms at work, that is both exciting and discomfiting. It’s definitely unusual, but I wish we’d see more work that pushed at that divide in different ways instead of reifying our notions of professional vs. fan. I can’t help but think of Alex Juhasz’ critique of YouTube here–where she says that youtube offers amateurs the ability to broadcast, yes, but it at the same time encourages a perceived divide between pro and amateur. Sanditon in some ways flies in the face of that, but in so doing it perhaps interrupts or undercuts our expected narrative pleasures. But I admire Sanditon for going for it nonetheless!

By: Faye Tue, 13 Aug 2013 14:09:01 +0000 Thanks for this Louisa. Bernie Su captures my ambivalence with Sanditon and why I ultimately bowed out. I found the storytelling not as tight as LBD (I would frequently get a bit bored within the 4m video) – I don’t know if its the in-video Domino style, which just has lots of shots of Alison Paige listening – or a fault in the writing. But my main issue was the fans incorporated into it, which threw me completely out of the story. I really like the idea of it, but the amateur practice – being part of the same platform as the professional product – ended up being cringey in a way that was uncomfortable for me.

But I love that the LBD world is being incorporated into the Leaky fandom as a seemingly central pole!
