Comments on: The Aesthetic Turn: Media Aesthetics: Color for the Where and How Responses to Media and Culture Fri, 12 Feb 2016 19:35:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kyle Conway Wed, 11 Dec 2013 20:52:34 +0000 Leo,

Thanks for your comment. I’m very pleased to have Carolyn’s contribution, and I’m glad the series has found readers.

As for the “aesthetic turn,” I borrowed the phrase from Shawn VanCour’s post, “New Directions in Media Studies: The Aesthetic Turn”. I understand it as a line of questioning that has become prominent among cultural studies-oriented scholars (although the questions we’re posing aren’t necessarily new, I’m discovering, just new to us). But “line of questioning” is rather broad, and the “turn,” such as it is, encompasses a wide range of interests, from the “production-oriented approach” Shawn advocates to questions about the philosophy of art.

Part of the reason I proposed this series to the Antenna editors was to draw together a wide range of people to see what common themes emerged.

I have to go teach, but I have more to add — I’ll try to come back this evening!

By: Leo Rubinkowski Sat, 07 Dec 2013 01:49:02 +0000 Thank you for continuing this series with another thought-provoking entry. After returning to Kyle’s inaugural post for some perspective, I wonder if you can expand a little on your particular understanding of the “aesthetic turn” in media studies, since I could see each contributor taking a slightly unique approach. Specifically, Kyle ends by expressing an interest in “the aesthetic experience of the media,” the “gut reaction” to media, as he calls it. It appears as though you are taking up slightly different issues, particularly related to the utility of media. Could you explain a bit more about the distinction between “aesthetics” and “media aesthetics” as you see it?
