Comments on: Steven Soderbergh: Television’s Latest Showrunner/Auteur Responses to Media and Culture Fri, 12 Feb 2016 19:35:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Colin Tait Wed, 13 Aug 2014 15:22:58 +0000 Hi Jonathan! I wanted to deal with Amiel and Begler this more in the article. Indeed, one of the aspects of Soderbergh’s working method is collaboration, so, yes, the writers here are very important to the project. What I find so interesting, and perhaps this post is part of the problem, is how this is very much being read as a solely Soderbergh project . When Soderbergh has spoken about his involvement in the Knick, it was always on the basis of how strong the script was.
What is interesting about Soderbergh’s work for me, and what distinguishes it from other directors, is his hands-on craftsmanship with the cinematography and editing which lends an added veneer to the series and makes it distinctively Soderbergian – but while using the spine that Amiel and Begler provided. Great interviews with the writers here: and director here:

By: Jonathan Gray Wed, 13 Aug 2014 04:24:33 +0000 Thanks for this Colin. Do you know how much it really is Soderbergh’s, though? Jack Amiel (a UW Comm Arts alum!) and Michael Begler appear to have written and created it, and have production credits, leaving me to wonder how much the director (traditionally a rather secondary creative role on tv) was truly responsible for it. (I don’t know, so that’s not intended to be a rude question.)
