Comments on: Why Palin Going to Fox News Makes No Sense Responses to Media and Culture Fri, 12 Feb 2016 19:35:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Heather Hendershot Tue, 26 Jan 2010 06:24:39 +0000 Conan is keeping the Fairness Doctrine alive! But, really, though it’s fair to say that Palin does not embarrass herself here, Shatner’s ghostwritten prose is not all that funny, and the funniest thing about this clip is that Shatner appears about to wet himself! Whenever Palin tries to show that she’s a good sport, she smiles a lot, but it’s not quite believable. To be fair, her reading of the Shatner book is somewhat more convincing than her appearance on Weekend Update on SNL.

By: Chuck Thu, 21 Jan 2010 21:27:01 +0000 And let’s not forget the fact that she will be arming Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert with hours of material to mock on their late night shows. Although this may provide her with further attention, much of it will be negative.

By: Jeffrey Jones Wed, 20 Jan 2010 15:19:53 +0000 Have you seen Palin reading from Shatner’s biography?

By: Heather Hendershot Wed, 20 Jan 2010 06:02:30 +0000 Have you guys seen Shatner reciting Palin’s resignation speech?

Rather amazing to see Shatner–the master of mediated self-reinvention, the old tugboat who just never gives up–doing Palin, whom we all wish would give up.

Close your eyes and imagine Shatner in a “rebooted” TJ Hooker, with Palin in Heather Locklear’s role.

By: Jonathan Gray Wed, 13 Jan 2010 15:58:30 +0000 Which means there’s a potential happy ending here — right-of-Genghis Khan demagogues could realize that it’s way cooler and better for them to become a Fox News personality, thereby leaving the spots for actual political office inhabited by the sane. Fox thereby becomes a holding pen for demagogues? Well, I can dream, right?

By: Jeffrey Jones Wed, 13 Jan 2010 15:35:37 +0000 Man, I love that thought–using political ambitions as ratings generator. If you are right, brilliant!

By: Jason Mittell Wed, 13 Jan 2010 13:26:24 +0000 Agreed that conventional TV is not her forte, but Fox will certainly create a bulletproof aura for her. But my guess is that she will not run for Prez, and looks more to become the next Glenn Beck – she clearly is less interested in governing (and getting the scrutiny that a run would entail) than getting paid & worshipped. Fox News is perfect for those ambitions, and if successful as becoming Fox’s breakout female personality, she can tease a run for higher office every 4 years and generate more attention.

By: Matt Sienkiewicz Wed, 13 Jan 2010 10:26:57 +0000 But how long could that have lasted really? It’s been a long fifteen minutes, but given her lack of accomplishments, what exactly would these other outlets be reporting on in six months, a year, two years? I’d cash in my chips at this point and guarantee a nice pay check and a chance to establish a long term place in the public conscience.

By: Jeffrey Jones Wed, 13 Jan 2010 02:18:12 +0000 Really great observation!

By: Jonathan Gray Wed, 13 Jan 2010 00:47:33 +0000 What might be the big danger here (for her, not for sanity, who might win as a result) is that by working for Fox, she’s now become the competition for NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, and HLN.

While television hasn’t been kind to her at the level of her adeptness (or complete lack thereof) at using it, it’s been remarkably kind in giving her coverage no matter what she does or says. Slow news day = run something on Sarah. But now covering her is not smart business, since you’re effectively telling your viewers to go watch Fox instead of you. When have you seen any of the nets give good coverage to one another’s “stars,” unless it’s negative?

In other words, while Palin was someone the media loved to cover, she’s made it financially unwise to cover her. And while Fox love reporting on their own stars, it’s probably even harder for them to report on her now. So Palin may’ve just cut off the fresh flow of helium that her ego’s been getting from the media.
