Comments on: Important Games of the 00s Responses to Media and Culture Fri, 12 Feb 2016 19:35:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sean C. Duncan Fri, 22 Jan 2010 23:42:19 +0000 Wii Fit should make the list here if just for the fact that it’s the second best-selling game in history, isn’t even two years old, and comes with a pretty hefty price tag (not to mention hefty weight). IMHO, the Wii phenomenon’s most significant impact has been on redefining who counts as a “gamer.” While not terribly interesting as a game per se, Wii Fit has broadened consideration of what a game system like the Wii should be for — both to new demographics (women over 30) and in terms of uses (exercise machine).

The Wii Fit makes me wonder how significant the “exergaming” genre might become in the future, as a genre appealing to different sets of players — and those with more money to spend on games — than the stereotypical pimply teenage boy.

By: Matthew Ides Wed, 20 Jan 2010 22:10:12 +0000 Good list. Here are some that I find important because of their social and cultural effects.

I think the Call of Duty titles must be added. I have had students whose parents allow them to stay home from school to play the new releases in this series. The COD titles also map onto the development of America’s Army in the 00s (developed by the US military) – sophisticated recruitment devices that labor to tie together games, masculinity, and combat.

While released in 1999, Dance, Dance, Revolution and its titles made way for wii and the guitar games of the 00. DDR became a party game of the early 00s. In a similar vein, Rock Band is extremely popular with groups of people and individuals often use it as a way to organize an event. For example, a group of friends recently went to a New Year’s party in which they dressed in black-tie and played Rock Band together.

Lastly, a general category – Browser Games – and in particular online sites like Kongregate that feature small developers and their hordes of browsers apps.

By: Racquel Gonzales Tue, 19 Jan 2010 21:03:15 +0000 I was happy to see your shoutout of Valve’s games as a whole and not just Portal because Half-Life definitely began their experimentation with movement and manipulation of game spaces. Plus, a scientist gets to be the hero, what’s not to love? In regards to Halo, I couldn’t agree more (Halo: Combat Evolved prompted my switch from Nintendo consoles to Xbox), but I differentiate “online gaming” via Xbox Live (and through consoles) from online gaming played on PCs, the latter of which precedes the “00’s”.

I am tempted to add many games onto the list for personal and academic reasons, but for the sake of space, I’ll only propose Bioshock, which raised the moral questioning possibilities for video games to the larger public. While Bioshock is not the first game to present moral choices and implications, it was significantly received in such a popular, yet resonant way outside of gaming circles (I’m curious how the film will be received). Plus, it contains one of the most revealing and self-aware moments of video gaming boundaries in the technology’s history, a moment that prompted discussions and debates about the limits of the medium itself.

All in all, great list Ben!

By: Kyra Glass Tue, 19 Jan 2010 18:45:32 +0000 I’d like to add Kingdom Hearts both as a DS as well as a Playstation game and as a spectacular example of convergence and the Disney franchise.

By: Kit Hughes Tue, 19 Jan 2010 16:43:10 +0000 I might add Foldit ( or NASA and Microsoft’s joint venture Be a Martian (, both of which attempt to harness the potential of large gaming networks to generate massive quantities of scientific data. While I think both are actually extremely tedious as games, they point to some pretty interesting possibilities for future data generation and evaluation.

By: Myles McNutt Tue, 19 Jan 2010 06:02:15 +0000 If I had to make a single addition, I feel as if it’s necessary to include some form of handheld game on this list (especially considering that the DS and the Game Boy Advance were perhaps THE dominant force in gaming over the past decade). However, when it came to picking that game, I drew a blank: so many of the successful titles have been holdovers from past franchises (Mario Kart, Super Mario Bros., Pokemon, etc.) that selecting one of them doesn’t feel distinctively of this decade.

However, Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! (Best. Title. Ever.) has to be the choice: it solidified the DS’ position as a lifestyle system, and managed to make us all believe for a brief moment that people would en masse start using video games to learn (turns out they wanted to use them to lose weight instead – c’est la vie).

By: Jonathan Gray Tue, 19 Jan 2010 04:56:44 +0000 As you predicted, I balked a bit at your choice of GTA, Ben. Vice City allowed drivebys to Hall and Oates, and GTA4 is the one that got the massive press for being revolutionary, but your rationale for choice is sound. It’s also the only GTA with three cities, not just one.

All your other picks are solid, though I curse you for introducing me to Mirror’s Edge, which I hadn’t heard of. Just watching the trailer made me wince. I thought Prince of Persia: Sands of Time was hard enough to play as a vertigo-sufferer!

Perhaps my only additions, though I question their “importance,” and am perhaps adding them for personal reasons, would be Star Wars Lego (since every franchise is now being Lego-fied, and its fun multi-generational gaming), and Shadow of the Colossus (since it’s just so beautiful, looking like a PS3 game on the PS2).

By: Christopher Lucas Tue, 19 Jan 2010 03:44:39 +0000 Thanks for the list and commentary – I suspect this will be a road map to the next five years of my life with my kids. Well, maybe not the GTA.

By: Noel Tue, 19 Jan 2010 02:50:57 +0000 I don’t play it, but I know enough people who do: Farmville. I mean, we talk about the Wii as a casual gaming platform, but what’s more casual (and if my Facebook feed is any indication, more addictive), than this simple app that also demands a fair amount of a player’s time to be successful?
