Comments on: In Praise of Dwangela Responses to Media and Culture Fri, 12 Feb 2016 19:35:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Office – “The Delivery” « Cultural Learnings Fri, 05 Mar 2010 05:38:38 +0000 […] was handled. I’m more confused than anything else, to be honest: I was just commenting on Diane Negra’s post on the couple on Antenna about whether not they are meant to be together, and here we have them deciding that if they ever […]

By: Diane Negra Tue, 23 Feb 2010 11:44:27 +0000 Thanks for these comments Annie, Liz and Myles — I was keenly aware when writing that I’m not fully seasonally “caught up” and wonder as well about the recent decision to push Dwangela out of the foreground (in more ways than one). I too am struck by the selective visualization of the ensemble on DVD covers, promo images, etc.

At the same time (and this may be a pathetic rationalization)I am starting to feel there may occasionally be a certain value in watching media texts “late” and somewhat out of cultural context. I wouldn’t go so far as to grandly compare such viewing to the French critics watching Hollywood films in a bunch after WWII but there are often useful things that crop up. In Ireland, we have sometimes gotten Hollywood films that are conspicuous products of the “boom” during what is now very evidently a “bust” and that contrast is sometimes critically productive.

By: Myles McNutt Tue, 23 Feb 2010 05:50:52 +0000 Some great points here, but I wonder how we unpack the current state of their relationship. They’ve been broken up for a season or so now (after their secret rendezvous period was cut short), and yet their connections (as you outline nicely) remain. They both remain critical of authority, and I wonder if the show wasn’t so intent on leaving B.J. Novak in the main credits whether or not Dwight would have teamed with Angela rather than Ryan in terms of trying to oust Jim from his position.

Their relationship elevated them to a different position in both the office and the show’s narrative, but after their breakup they have been relegated to fairly minor positions, and Andy and Erin (who offer a sort of klutzy play on Jim and Pam rather than a different type of relationship) have taken over. And yet, as far as we can tell, neither character has actually changed, which makes their previous breakup (and Dwight’s behaviour therein) the only barrier. It makes me wonder if, when the show comes to an end, a happy ending for the characters would be a rekindling of their relationship, or whether their history is too much of a barrier for their love to truly blossom.

Or maybe, just maybe, Angela’s sleep apnea mask might one day sit on a Mose-made night stand at Schrute farms again.

By: Liz Ellcessor Tue, 23 Feb 2010 03:43:07 +0000 I agree, Annie – and you can get a sense of how fully Wilson’s star persona and the Dwight character have intersected by looking at the oldest (2005!) archives of his Schrute Space blog on It was widely reported to be written by Wilson at the time, and it has the same type of nonsequitors and ambiguity seen in his Twitter and in the show.

By: Annie Petersen Tue, 23 Feb 2010 03:31:26 +0000 Fantastic reading. I find that Rainn Wilson’s star persona contributes to this image– I’ve been following him on Twitter for nearly a year now, and he near-constantly Tweets in a manner that buttresses the Dwight persona (recent examples: “Justin Beiber has become a total sellout. I loved his early, raw mall appearances”; “Why does everybody look at me weird when I go shopping with no shirt on? I mean sometimes I need to buy doll furniture.”) Wilson is also a very proud member of the Ba’hai faith, which, in many ways, furthers his anarchic, non-Protestant vision of what it means to participate in America and capitalism in general.
