Comments on: A Damaged Conclusion Responses to Media and Culture Fri, 12 Feb 2016 19:35:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mary Beltrán Sat, 01 May 2010 11:54:00 +0000 I had a similarly disappointed reaction to the season finale; thanks for this lucid analysis that gets to the heart of things. I agree, it was especially surprising that Damages, a series that has always unfolded its mystery /thriller plot with compelling nuance and avoidance of cliche, suddenly made out Patty Hewes to be a one-trick pony, the career woman who regretted her early avoidance of having a family. Particularly given how morally complicated (and thus engaging) Patty Hewes has proven to be in previous seasons and episodes, it wasn’t (for me) a concluding moment that rang true or seemed worthy of her complexity.
