Comments on: The Mad-ness of Precarious Programming? Responses to Media and Culture Fri, 12 Feb 2016 19:35:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Derek Kompare Tue, 05 Apr 2011 22:03:36 +0000 Excellent points about MM’s diminishing value to AMC, and its attempts to maintain its value. It reminds of me of this piece on why HBO’s days are numbered. If ubiquity is becoming a default expectation, than platforms premised on exclusive access are in real trouble.

However, as someone going through cable-cutting (in all honesty made easier by the lack of Mad Men in coming months), I can report that navigating all these non-cable/satellite platforms for all the content you want is pretty daunting. Hulu+ streams to my PS3…but has no CBS. CBS streams on its own site, and is available on both iTunes and Amazon…but does not stream to my TV or PS3. Cable networks typically keep their programs bottled up tight (as you point out), but streaming, e.g., via Netflix, can offer riches of past seasons, if you don’t mind not being up to date (and really, who is these days, anyway?).
