Comments on: Keepin’ it Real on Treme Responses to Media and Culture Fri, 12 Feb 2016 19:35:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Folse Thu, 26 May 2011 00:16:18 +0000 I think it’s unfair to bring up the tax inducements offered to the entire film industry as if some special arrangements were made for Simon and Company. They were not. If not to Treme, they would have gone to the latest penny dreadful Hollywood flick here to film.

Do I detect a hing of jealously that Treme let the Spotted Cat out of the bag? I can’t fault you, as it’s often too crowded lately to bother. Still, what the Treme team have tried to do is paint a picture of the critical issues New Orleans faced, and the failure of most institutions (at all levels) to address them.

And from the start the concern of so many people (not just us bloggers) was whether the city’s people would return, or whether there would be some attempt to rebuild a Potemkin New Orleans more suitable for tourists and economic development. As you admit, New Orleans without its unique culture would just be another southern city, one past its prime.

The active blogging community has mostly rallied behind Treme because of the tens of thousands of hours we have spent in the last five plus years trying to tell that story to the world, to make sure as best we could things happened right, because Treme does in fact mostly get it right.

By: vicki Wed, 25 May 2011 21:25:34 +0000 I love the idea of Keepin’ It Fictional. Definitely what the city needs a little of.
