Comments on: Turning Twitter into Work: Digital Reporting at SCMS 2013 Responses to Media and Culture Fri, 12 Feb 2016 19:35:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Casey Sun, 24 Mar 2013 18:57:13 +0000 Thanks for this post, Amanda! I was definitely struck by how different the task of live-tweeting felt with our involvement in the @CJatSCMS account. In my past experiences, I had always aimed for as many tweets as possible per panel—sort of a “play-by-play” approach. But I also quickly began to realize (especially after we did some time in jail) that “thick tweets” are much more effective.

In terms of the “asking permission” experience, I really enjoyed seeing people’s reactions when I introduced myself before panels. I encountered little to no resistance/confusion, and most people seemed to feel kind of honoured to get coverage from the “official” account (which, likewise, made me feel like a badass). However, it was a shame when I arrived to a panel too late and had to deal with the question of whether or not I should tweet any content. On that note, I think it would be great to aim for some sort of announcement to all of SCMS next year that presenters should specify if they would like the content of their talks to remain off the record.

And I very much agree that getting more SIG/Caucus-based “official” accounts up could really amplify the effectiveness of our mission to spread the SCMS experience to all!

By: » Twitter, Labor, and Self-Branding Mel Stanfill Mon, 18 Mar 2013 14:07:31 +0000 […] much more Twitter happening) helped her experience #SCMS13 remotely, and Amanda Ann Klein’s post Turning Twitter into Work: Digital Reporting at SCMS 2013, about how tweeting from an “official” account led her to think differently about how she […]

By: Roxanne Samer Sat, 16 Mar 2013 16:31:44 +0000 Thanks for this, Amanda! I had a similar experience of trying to figure out my voice when tweeting for the Queer Caucus. I had both the caucus account and my own personal account up and went through a minor identity crisis trying to figure out what to tweet with which and how I should phrase things as a group representative, rather than an individual. It was a lot of work but also a lot of fun!

By: Jennifer Lynn Jones Thu, 14 Mar 2013 19:24:57 +0000 One would hope but you never know. I think it’s also interesting how this kind of tweeting points up the differences between editorial and reportorial uses: seems important to consider which version is employed when and why.

By: Amanda Ann Klein Thu, 14 Mar 2013 19:10:58 +0000 I must admit to feeling weird and bad about tweeting at those few panels where I could not get permission ahead of time. Oddly enough, at previous conferences I never had official permission (and I don’t recall anyone asking others for it either). But this year I felt that need for permission more strongly.

However, I will say that every single person I asked either said “of course!” (like I was crazy for asking) or some version of “Twitter? Are you going to be nice? Then Ok.”(still giving me the crazy look). So I am going to go out on a limb here and say most people are okay with having their work tweeted (unless they explicitly say not to, and I know there were panels this year that made such announcements) as long as they know the folks doing the tweeting will treat their scholarship with care and respect.

Aren’t the rules of Twitter just like the rules of life: “Whenever possible, don’t be a jerk”

By: Anne Helen Petersen Thu, 14 Mar 2013 16:52:30 +0000 On Saturday, I attended an excellent panel on stars and performance. Three senior scholars, none of whom use Twitter. I arrived on time but they were having serious technical difficulties and didn’t want to be the annoying person asking question and exacerbating the situation. But I just didn’t feel comfortable Tweeting — I just had an overwhelming feeling that it wasn’t appropriate. No one else in the room was on their devices, I hadn’t asked, the panelists may or may not have been familiar with the practice. I was fascinated by my own disinclination to Tweet. Maybe I was embarrassed, didn’t think it was appropriate — but I do think it’s a moment worth considering. This was, after all, one of the best panels I had attended at the conference. And I do think I got more out of it, simply because I wasn’t in “reporting” mode.

I wish I had something more provocative or concrete to offer in terms of takeaway, but am mostly hoping that others can use this as a jumping off point for discussion about whether these “pockets” of unTweetability will persist, whether they have use and, as an extension, whether we should try to preserve or even create them…..

By: Amanda Ann Klein Thu, 14 Mar 2013 16:42:44 +0000 Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for commenting! When I said a “loose set of Best Practices,” I meant it! We only came up with a few:

1. We agreed to send out an email to all SCMS members, alerting them that we would be live tweeting panels/workshops.

2. Whenever possible, we tried to arrive at the panel/workshop a few minutes early and ask the participants if you have their permission to tweet about their scholarship. Unfortunately, due to the terrible elevator situation at the Drake, I ended up arriving at 2-3 panels/workshops a few minutes late and didn’t have the chance to formally ask permission. In those cases, I tweeted (when possible) members of the panel to alert them that I was in the room and live tweeting their work. Ideally, in the future, people who feel strongly about not having their work made public on social media will state so at the beginning of their talk.

3. we attempted, when possible, to spread ourselves out. We agreed that no one should have to miss a panel/workshop that she really wanted to see, but we made an effort to be in different places. Again, this did not always work out since there were only 5 of us and several of us have overlapping research interests. This is why it would be great if some of the SIGs/caucuses had their own twitter accounts next year and teams which pledged to cover a certain amount of sponsored panels/workshops. As a Twitter user, you know that some panels and workshops get A LOT of attention while others get none. It would be great to see a conference twitter stream that is more reflective of the diversity of the conference.

4. include the initials of the tweet’s author in individual tweets so that there is some accountability.

One more thing I would add to this list is to make it clear when the author of the tweet is editorializing rather than simply paraphrasing the scholarship. This seems to be a big fear–that people’s ideas will be misrepresented. For example, one of my tweets about a workshop generated responses from a few people who were not there and I had to clarify that I was editorializing. I tried to be more careful after that.

By: Anthony Bleach Thu, 14 Mar 2013 16:40:15 +0000 Thanks for this, Amanda. I would love to see more reporters (perhaps, as you suggest, from SIGs, blogs, or journals) engage in the kind of reportage you and your cohort broughtened.

On a side note, I feel like this kind of meta-commentary is building a case, slowly and surely, for junior colleagues to claim digital work as tenure-worthy work.

By: Jennifer Lynn Jones Thu, 14 Mar 2013 15:50:41 +0000 Amanda, thanks for your summary! It seems like this pilot experience was a great success, and I appreciate the attempt to archive the conference experience under specific Twitter accounts through different tweeters. I was also wondering if there was a way to share the “best practices” list the group developed? This might be something we try with the Women’s Caucus at related conferences in the future, and having a template for those would help. Thanks again for sharing your insight!
