The reactions to Cecil the Lion's murder on social media illustrates how it is not only possible but essential to fight for justice and against exploitation on multiple fronts.
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The reactions to Cecil the Lion's murder on social media illustrates how it is not only possible but essential to fight for justice and against exploitation on multiple fronts.
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Why hasn’t The Wire, which showed us how structural racism and an abusive police department defines black life in Baltimore, translated into collective social action? Why are there only thousands in the streets? Where are the millions of fans of The Wire? And why aren’t they supporting black folks in Baltimore?
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The FCC’s new Open Internet rules are a major come-from-behind victory for net neutrality. How in the world did this actually get done? And what exactly happens now?
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Ulaby’s story of how Harry Potter fans were becoming activists demonstrates how surprising it is for most people that fans are not loners, hiding away from the world, but rather are productive and rational- and can create real political change.
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